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Dr. Sophocles Voyiazis DDS, MSc

Smile Lab Dental Center, Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Sophocles Voyiazis DDS, MSc

Dental surgeon- Prosthodontist

ITI Fellow


Dr Voyiazis received the Greek State Scholarship (IKY) for his performance in the entry exams for the Dental School of the University of Athens. He graduated in 2001 and continued his education at the Baylor College of Dentistry (Dallas, USA) where he completed a 3-year post-graduate program for the specialty of Prosthodontics and a Master’s degree(MSc) in Oral Biology (2001-2004).

In 2004 he received the ITI Scholarship and continued his studies as the ITI Scholar at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in the department of Professor Urs Belser (2005-2006).

Since 2006 he works in his private practice in Nicosia, Cyprus, where he concentrates on Prosthodontics and Implantology. In 2017 he established the Smile Lab Dental Center.

He has been an ITI Fellow since 2007. He has served as the Education Delegate (2009-2011) and the Communications Officer (2011-2016) of the Greece & Cyprus ITI Section.

He is an active lecturer in continuing education courses in Greece and Cyprus.    He lectured in international congresses in Europe and North America including the ITI World Congresses (Munich 2005, New York 2007, Basel 2017). 

Cursussen van deze spreker

Straightforward level
Advanced level
Complex level
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