Woensdag 8 april 2020 in Online, POS is situated at Aliso Viejo, USA

Virtual Classroom

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Looking for ways to be productive while your office is closed?
Grow your orthodontic skills at home with our 100% virtual classroom.

ClearCorrect has a collaboration with POS (Progressive Orthodontic Seminars), a well-known USA based training company offering education for dental professionals. POS offers the aligner+ training program.

The information below is from POS:

We understand these are unique times and many of you might feel overwhelmed. With practices reducing their hours and feeling the strain, we began to wonder how we could help. Many dentists have shared that they want to prepare themselves so they can be more effective and profitable when they return to work full time.

In response to our changing world, we are offering a new learning format, Virtual Classroom, that can help you grow your practice when at home. Now more than ever, we are committed to support you in your educational goals and career decisions. You can now develop skills that will open up a highly profitable service when you return.

You can get the same aligner education from the world's #1 orthodontic continuing education center completely at home. Participate in live lectures, ask questions in real time, earn CE/CPD credits, and hang out with classmates, all remotely.

How does it work?
Grow your orthodontic aligner skills and take our Aligner+ Series 100% at home. You will attend 10 classes in a virtual setting and self study between classes. Participate in hands-on exercises and gain confidence setting up multiple practice cases from home.

  • 20 Hours of Interactive Virtual Classes
  • Home Self-Study with Access to 1600+ Pages of Education
  • Access Experienced Mentors to Help You on Your Cases
  • Lifetime Free Retake Policy for online webinars (Retake in-person seminars is optional, a supplement will be charged)
  • SmileStream Diagnostic Software (included!)
Each class will have 10 interactive webinars of 2 hours each with your instructor and homework (4-6 hours) in between. Choose how quickly you want to learn with daily, weekly, and tri-weekly webinar options.

What you'll learn
  • Fundamentals of orthodontic diagnosis
  • Solutions to common aligner problems
  • How and when to make revisions
  • Access to experienced mentors to help on cases
  • Case selection (all malocclusions, extraction and non-extraction, open bite, deep bite, crossbite)
  • And much more!

Registration via Straumann. 

After subscription you will receive the link to the online platform via POS. 

Aanvullende informatie:
De startdatum van de webinar reeks is 8 april 2020. U volgt dagelijks (op weekdagen) een webinar van 20-22uur. Totale duur van de cursus is 2 weken. De exacte data ontvangt u via POS.
Uw spreker op 8 april is: TBD

Wist u dat?
ClearCorrect gratis online learning modules aanbiedt over het selecteren van patiënten, het indienen van een casus, het beoordelen van een set up en nog veel meer? 
Deze modules worden aangeboden via het platform Skill. Wilt u toegang tot dit platform en de ClearCorrect modules, laat het ons dan weten via education.be@straumann.com of in het opmerkingenveld bij aanmelding voor deze POS online cursus.


POS Webinar
Progressive Orthodontic Seminar
Online, POS is situated at Aliso Viejo, USA


Specificaties en downloads

Woensdag 8 april 2020 20:00
Woensdag 8 april 2020 22:00
1500 euro excl. btw. Het eerste webinar is op basis van 'Try before you buy', u wordt dus pas gefactureerd als u na de eerste webinar definitief toezegt de volledige opleiding te gaan volgen.
Aantal deelnemers:
minimaal 1, maximaal 100
  Inschrijving open
Geen downloads beschikbaar.


Woensdag 8 april 2020 in Online, POS is situated at Aliso Viejo, USA

Virtual Classroom

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