Jeudi 25 novembre 2021 dans Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

ITI Theme Night UCL

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Description du cours

Long-term effectiveness of early implant placement: Indications for

soft and hard tissue regeneration.

The long-term effectiveness of treatment concepts after a minimal followup

of 5 years are important milestones for clinicians to assure predictability

and success of implant therapy. The critical analysis of long-term results

is able to identify potential risk factors and thereby optimizes current

treatment strategies in implant dentistry.

The aesthetic zone of the anterior maxilla is susceptible to aesthetic

complications with mucosal recession, radiographic bone loss and

inadequate pink aesthetic scores in some interventions. Careful case

selection, strict inclusion criteria and high surgical skills have been

recommended to obtain pleasing aesthetics. Long-term follow-up

studies have been requested to ascertain the stability of the peri-implant

tissues, low incidence for complications and long-term implant retention.

However, over the long-term reasons for crestal bone loss is multifactorial

and remains highly controversial.

Understanding the mechanisms, which favour the stability and integrity

of the facial tissue dimensions over time will facilitate future innovations

in tissue regeneration, surface technology and treatment concepts to

provide predictable aesthetic success in implant therapy. The aim of the

presentation is to assists clinicians in comprehensive treatment selection

to achieve successful long-term outcomes.


Université Catholique de Louvain, Auditoire Joseph Maisin
Avenue Mounier 50

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Spécifications et téléchargements

Jeudi 25 novembre 2021 18:00
Jeudi 25 novembre 2021 20:30
ITI Members: free of charge
Non Members: € 50,-
Nombre de participants:
minimal 10, maximum 60
Public cible:
Dentiste qui veut implanter, chirurgien-dentiste en formation, Parodontotiste, chirurgien dentaire, Dentiste implantologue, Dentiste, Tandprotheticus, Technicien dentaire, Dentiste référent, Implantologue, Prothésiste, ITI Fellow, ITI Member, Young Professional, Technicien prothésiste clinique, Assistant, Hygiéniste dentaire, Prosthodontiste
Straightforward, Advanced, Complex
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Jeudi 25 novembre 2021 dans Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

ITI Theme Night UCL

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