Jeudi 24 octobre 2019 dans Brugge

ITI Study Club - Advances in fixed prosthodontics treatment concepts including digital technologies.

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Description du cours

Digital technologies offer access to more diagnostic
information and enable a higher predictability for the final
result. With the transfer into monolithic polymer materials
innovative options for the clinical evaluation of esthetics and
function are available. CAD/CAM-fabricated bi-maxillary splints
allow to exploring the final treatment goal in reversible test
drives. Based on removability of the splints, surgical,
periodontal, and restorative pre-treatments can be integrated
in this period.
The transfer into definitive restorations can be divided into
multiple treatment steps minimizing risk factors of complex
rehabilitations. The introduction of adhesive technique in
combination with translucent restorative materials severely
influenced the treatment concepts in fixed prosthodontics.
Modern production technologies nowadays offer the access to
new polymer materials that provide the access to new ceramic
types and thus extended the range of indications for metal-free
restorative options for both natural teeth and implants. With
these developments, important changes of treatment concepts
in fixed prosthodontics occurred, which affect the professional
life of dental practitioners with a focus on prosthetic dentistry.


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Spécifications et téléchargements

Jeudi 24 octobre 2019 14:30
Jeudi 24 octobre 2019 18:30
Nombre de participants:
minimal 5, maximum 20
Public cible:
Dentiste qui veut implanter, chirurgien-dentiste en formation, Parodontotiste, chirurgien dentaire, Dentiste implantologue, Dentiste, Tandprotheticus, Technicien dentaire, Dentiste référent, Implantologue, Prothésiste, ITI Fellow, ITI Member, Young Professional, Technicien prothésiste clinique, Assistant, Hygiéniste dentaire, Prosthodontiste
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Jeudi 24 octobre 2019 dans Brugge

ITI Study Club - Advances in fixed prosthodontics treatment concepts including digital technologies.

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