Jeudi 17 septembre 2020 dans Steenokkerzeel

ITI Educational Meeting BELUX 2020 Annual Section Meeting

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Description du cours

Full-Mouth Rehabilitation and The Digital Integration in Implant Dentistry

- From planning to final delivery.

The integration of digital protocols is a present reality and a certain future in

dental implantology.

The state of digital art essentially aims at simplifying clinical acts with greater

predictability and speed, with a clear benefit to the patient. Digital technology

has also allowed the integration of once hard-to-master technologies such as

bone reduction guides, facial scanners, surgical guides and other prosthodontics

protocols. The mechanical part of the protocols is undoubtedly important.

However, it is in the area of Biology and Physiology to implant that these digital

technologies make a difference in relation to conventional technologies.

In this context, this conference aims to show at what points the digital technology

came to help peri-implant biology, confronting biochemistry, biology,

aesthetics and function.

In full mouth rehabilitation there is a shift on the software that we use to achieve

these results, however there are still some flaws in the process that can

jeopardize final outcomes. It is the aim of this conference to discuss the analogically

to digital transition.


Dr. Andre Chen
Implantology Institute


Kasteel Ter Ham
De Maillé de la Tour Landrylaan 2
1820 Steenokkerzeel

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Spécifications et téléchargements

Jeudi 17 septembre 2020 12:30
Jeudi 17 septembre 2020 17:00
Nombre de participants:
minimal 5, maximum 50
Public cible:
Dentiste qui veut implanter, chirurgien-dentiste en formation, Parodontotiste, chirurgien dentaire, Dentiste implantologue, Dentiste, Tandprotheticus, Technicien dentaire, Dentiste référent, Implantologue, Prothésiste, ITI Fellow, ITI Member, Young Professional, Technicien prothésiste clinique, Assistant, Hygiéniste dentaire, Prosthodontiste
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Jeudi 17 septembre 2020 dans Steenokkerzeel

ITI Educational Meeting BELUX 2020 Annual Section Meeting

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